Outstanding and fun Thanksgiving activities in America

fun Thanksgiving activities

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to gather with family and friends, and has plenty of Outstanding and fun Thanksgiving activities you can enjoy together. This is an official holiday for all workers with many interesting and fun Thanksgiving activities taking place.

fun Thanksgiving activities
Outstanding and fun Thanksgiving activities in America

Origin and Meaning of Thanksgiving

Historically, Thanksgiving Day was celebrated in Plymouth (USA), by English pilgrims and Wampanoag Indians. In 1620, when the Protestant Reformation took place under the reign of King Henry VIII, Puritans, and Catholics left England to find a new land where they could freely worship. 

After a long journey on the Mayflower for 66 days and nights, they landed in the colony of Plymouth, New England in the winter. After the harsh winter, only half of the people left were able to welcome the first spring in the new land. 

In March, they met indigenous people and gradually learned how to farm and hunt. By November 1621, the pilgrims’ first harvest was bountiful. They joined the indigenous people – the Wampanoag Indians, to celebrate Thanksgiving celebrate the harvest, and thank God for blessings.  

Thanksgiving comes from gratitude for a peaceful life and God’s protection. During the American Civil War, it also became a symbol of national solidarity. Today, Thanksgiving means a family reunion after a year of work and study. At the banquet table, everyone holds hands, connects spiritually, and gives thanks for the blessings that have come during the year. This is a special time to show gratitude, share, and create memorable memories while hoping for a new year filled with happiness and luck.

Americans and Thanksgiving traditions

In the US, Thanksgiving is a major traditional holiday held on the fifth Thursday of November every year. In some places with an earlier harvest such as Canada, this holiday is celebrated on the second Monday of October.

At first, Thanksgiving was held with the meaning of giving thanks to the God who protects people for a peaceful and prosperous life. In addition, people often remember a meal held in 1621 between the Wampanoag Indians and the Pilgrim group who migrated to Massachusetts. By the mid-nineteenth century, the civil war in America became intense, some thanksgiving group games appeared as a way to mobilize and build solidarity in the community. 

At present, Thanksgiving is considered a reunion day for family members in America. Under the candlelight of the Thanksgiving table, all members will hold hands, close their eyes, and silently give thanks for the past year full of blessings as well as pray for peace and luck to come for themselves and their loved ones. 

Fun Thanksgiving activities

While American Independence Day or Christmas is often celebrated in public, Thanksgiving is often celebrated at home. Below are some fun Thanksgiving activities held. 

Macy’s Parade in New York

The famous parade of Macy’s – a globally famous American retail store system – is an indispensable part of Thanksgiving. The parade often has many themes, giant balloons shaped like characters, and attractive performances by bands, attracting the attention of millions of people around the world. This parade always ends with a Santa Claus.

Dinner with family

Thanksgiving is a family holiday, so people often come home together to prepare traditional dishes, eat, and share the past year. During Thanksgiving, in addition to turkey, the holiday feast includes bread, potatoes, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, etc. Traditionally in America, a hearty Thanksgiving feast includes roasted turkey, honey-cured ham, mashed sweet potatoes, turkey stuffing, creamed corn, etc. Today, each region in America has developed its own unique dishes. 

In addition, during the party, families often perform prayers and gratitude – stemming from the meaning of this holiday. While crafting on Thanksgiving, families often add ideas to a “Thank You Tree” and place it prominently in the home as a subtle reminder of all the important things in the holidays.

fun Thanksgiving activities
Outstanding and fun Thanksgiving activities in America

Shopping on Black Friday

After eating Thanksgiving, the tradition of most American families is to go out shopping, this is the origin of the famous Black Friday. Black Friday takes place right after Thanksgiving, usually coinciding with November 23 – 29 each year. To date, this day has turned into the largest shopping festival globally. This is the biggest discount of the year with a series of big brands, attracting shopping addicts.


Many Americans participate in charitable and fun Thanksgiving activities. People often volunteer to cook at social kitchens to serve food to the homeless and less fortunate.

Watch American football

Usually an important part of Thanksgiving Day in the US. On this day, professional teams often compete against each other for viewers to watch on television. During the holidays, families will watch football games on TV and cheer for their favorite team.

Make Thanksgiving crafts

Hours of eating, shopping, and watching football can be uninteresting for children, so many families create a Thanksgiving craft activity by arranging an item or two. People often pick up easy-to-make kits at local craft stores or make their own Thanksgiving-themed ones.

Currently in America, in addition to some of the above activities, people have created many other meaningful and interesting activities to express gratitude for what has happened and pray for what is to come.

Gratitude Jar

Have everyone write down something they are thankful for on slips of paper and put them in a jar. Later in the day, read them aloud during dinner.

Thanksgiving Bingo cards

Create bingo cards with Thanksgiving-themed items or traditions. As you go through the day, mark off each square when you encounter one.

Thanksgiving shirts for your family and friends

Thanksgiving Turkey Ain’t The Only Thing Lookin Thick And Juicy T-Shirt

A lovely turkey shirt for every object.


Thanksgiving Turkey Ain’t The Only Thing Lookin Thick And Juicy T Shirt
She’s My Sweet Potato I Yam Thanksgiving Couples Shirts

She’s My Sweet Potato I Yam Thanksgiving Couples Shirts

Thanksgiving Couples Shirts for the holiday.



These fun Thanksgiving activities can make Thanksgiving a memorable and enjoyable holiday for everyone involved! Thanks for your time.