Top 8 fun Halloween games for coworkers at the office

fun Halloween games

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fun Halloween games
Top 8 fun Halloween games for coworkers at the office

Mummy Cosplay

  • Help employees promote aesthetics and express creativity through finished products.
  • Demonstrate ingenuity and meticulousness and create a fun and exciting entertainment space.

How to play: 

– Players are divided into 2 teams with corresponding numbers of members. Each team chooses one person to wrap relevant tools to turn into a “mummy”.

– The organization department, management board, or all employees will be the jury. The team whose “mummy” is neatly wrapped, impressive, creative, and gets the most votes will be the winner.

 Blindfolded and guessing scary objects

“Guess the scary objects blindfolded” will be one of the most dramatic Halloween party games, creating curiosity and giving your company employees many emotional levels.

  • Create a feeling of mystery, and horror and stimulate staff’s judgment ability.
  • Create “half-crying, half-laughing” comedies for both viewers and participants.

How to play:

– The organizer prepares an area with free space, placing the boxes in order from 1 to 5.

– Divide employees into groups of 5 people each.

– The game starts, the player is blindfolded and uses his hand to enter the box, feel the item inside and state the answer.

– The team with the most members guessing correctly is the winning team.

Dress up

The best indispensable and fun Halloween games during Halloween festivals. So in this game, participants will take turns dressing up as designated characters and showing off their excellent memorization skills.

fun Halloween games
  • Increase the ability to observe and access information quickly.
  • Train employees’ memory capacity and agility.

How to play

– Divide employees into 3 teams, each team will have 1 minute to remember the accessories and clothes in the photos provided by the organization department, do not use phones or notes.

– After the time-out signal, teams have 3 minutes to return to the dressing room and choose a member who will be dressed up to resemble the model.

– The team that matches the most accessories and wears the correct clothes will be the winner.

Autumn Skeleton Halloween T-Shirt

The unqinue autumn skeleton halloween shirt.


Autumn Skeleton Halloween T Shirt (2)

Magic chair

Music is always a catalyst and helps people flourish at parties. So it would be a mistake to skip the “Magic Chair” game at the company’s Halloween party

  • The game is built to help team members become more attached and understand each other. Besides, it also promotes sensitivity and dynamism.
  • Create a fun, lively atmosphere, bringing lots of laughter to participants.

– The organizing department divides employees into competition teams, each team has 8 – 10 people.

– When the music starts playing, everyone must go in a clockwise circle around the chair. Until the music stops, each of you must quickly sit in an empty chair.

– Any team member who cannot sit on a chair will be eliminated. Continue the above process until there is only one person left. That team will win.

The elephant’s trunk

Elephant Trunk – fun Halloween games are also familiar at many parties thanks to its fun and ability to stir up the atmosphere. Coming to “Evil Festival – Halloween”, the rotating Elephant Trunk will be transformed to create more exciting and fun experiences.

  • Train players’ ability to concentrate and keep balance.
  • Creates laughter every time the player spins and runs to the finish line.

How to play:

-Each team consists of 2 members, 1 drawing person, and 1 guessing person.

-At the starting point, a member will observe the sample picture for 5 seconds. Then, create an elephant trunk position (one hand touching the nose, the other hand crossed to form an elephant trunk shape), and rotate in place 5 times.

-Then, this player runs to the finish line, redrawing the sample picture as closely as possible within 15 seconds (including running and drawing time). The remaining members will guess what shape it is.

-The team that guesses correctly will complete the challenge.

Pumpkin Tic – Tac – Toe

  • The atmosphere of the devil festival season will be more exciting and exciting with the participation of members when conquering challenges.
  • Train the ability to think quickly, understand teammates’ ideas, and teamwork spirit for colleagues in the office.

How to play:

-The organizers put paper tape, divided the floor into 3×3 squares (3 horizontal and 3 vertical), outside placed 6 Halloween toy models inside (each team has 3 models).

-Each team consists of 3 members, sending 1 person to play rock, paper, scissors to get the first turn. The first person runs up and puts the model in the box, and then the first member of your team will run up to put the model in the box.

-Turn like that until one team is about to have a horizontal line or a vertical line that is their team’s model, then they win.

Bizarre text

Strange, mysterious spiritual stories, horrifying secrets, and funny stories will be clearly portrayed in the atmosphere of “Evil Festival” through the game Bizarre Text.

  • Players develop their imagination, ability to arrange words, and ability to tell stories in front of a crowd.
  • Have more moments of sharing, chatting, and creating a relaxing and close atmosphere for colleagues in the company. 

How to play:

– Players will take turns picking 3 pieces of paper with keywords inside the lottery box. Then, within 15 seconds, combine these 3 keywords into 1 story, 1 horror, scary, “dark” saying, suitable for the Halloween theme. At the same time, you can share more about your experiences and memories about the stories and sayings mentioned above.

-Players will vote on which story and statement is the scariest.

Green light Red light 

Squid Game and Green Light Red Light game are both heart-stopping and scary, dramatic and interesting, suitable for Halloween games in your office.

  • Increase excitement, and help colleagues find a feeling of suspense and excitement when playing.
  • Save costs and time preparing tools and equipment.

How to play:

-Players line up horizontally below the starting line. The game leader will stand with his back to the group of players.

-The player moves up towards the game leader. The game leader reads the command “Face the wall, 1-2-3” and turns around. If anyone is found moving, that person will be eliminated.

-The first person to reach the game leader will be the winner. The organizers turn on suspenseful, dramatic music.


Halloween is an annual cultural event, that attracts a large number of young people to participate. At companies, human resources departments also choose Halloween as a special occasion to organize fun Halloween adult games.